Adding an Advanced Catalogue to a Room Service

There are two types of catalogue/menu we can manually add to a Room Service:

  1. “Standard Room Service” catalogue: This catalogue shows basic information for each dish or product on the catalogue: Name, Description, Image, Price and Size.
  2. “Advanced Room Service” catalogue: This catalogue shows more detailed information for each dish or product on the catalogue (allergens, vegetarian dish, etc.). It also allows guests to specify cooking or preparation options for the dish (cooking point, sauce, type of milk etc.).


This article explains how to add the second type of catalogues: Advanced Room Service Catalogue.


First of all, you will need to choose the type of catalogue you want. Select Advance Room Service to use the Advanced Room Service Catalogue.


All products in the menu need to be categorized (this means they need to be inside a category). This means that to create an advanced catalogue you will first need to create you categories (starters, main dishes, desserts, drinks…) and then you will need to add dishes to each category. You can create as many categories as you want.






  1. Hover the cursor of the mouse over the room service to which you want to add an advanced catalogue.
  2. Click on “View Info” to go to the Room Service’s detailed information page. 
  3. Click on the catalogue tab.
  4. Click on “Add Category” to create the first category. 
  5. Type the name of the category in the text box. Remember to click on the flag icon to open up the available languages pop up and introduce the text in all available languages. 
  6. Click on the small arrow pointing to the right, next to the name of the category, to save the category’s name.
  7. You can repeat this whole process as many times as you want to create all the categories you need.
  8. Click on “Save Changes” at the bottom of the screen.






  1. Hover the cursor of the mouse over the room service for which you want to modify a category’s name.
  2. Click on “View Info” to go to the Room Service’s detailed information page. 
  3. Click on the catalogue tab.
  4. Click on the name of the category you want to change. The name will turn into a text field and you will be able to edit it. Remember to click on the flag icon to open up the available languages pop up and modify the text in all available languages. 
  5. Click on the small arrow pointing to the right, next to the name of the category, to save the category’s name.
  6. Click on “Save Changes” at the bottom of the screen.






  1. Hover the cursor of the mouse over the room service for which you want to delete a category.
  2. Click on “View Info” to go to the Room Service’s detailed information page. 
  3. Click on the catalogue tab.
  4. Click on the trash icon located TO THE RIGHT of the Category name we want to delete.
  5. Click on “Yes I want to remove it” in the pop up to confirm that you want to delete the category. IMPORTANT: When you delete a category all products inside it will also be deleted. Be careful with this. If you don’t want to delete those products you will need to move them to another category.




Once we’ve created our catalogue categories, we can start adding products to them. To do this:




  1. Hover the cursor of the mouse over the room service for which you want to add products to the catalogue.
  2. Click on “View Info” to go to the Room Service’s detailed information page. 
  3. Click on the catalogue tab.
  4. Look for the category where you want to add the product and click on “Add product” or on “Add product from predefined products catalogue” depending on what you need:
    1. “Add product”: This option lets you add a product with no predefined informations:
      1. Click on Add product.
      2. In the pop up you can type the product’s name in the search box to see if there’s a predefined product that matches it. If not click on Add product and an empty product will be added to the catalogue.
    2. “Add product from predefined products catalogue”: This option creates a product with some predefined options, mainly the name, the image and the tags for the search engine. 
      1. Click on Add product from predefined products catalogue.
      2. Select a predefined product.
      3. Click on “Save” in the bottom right corner of the pop up. The product will be added to the category.




Once we’ve added all the products to the different categories in the catalogue, we can add detailed information to each product. To do this: 




  1. Hover the cursor of the mouse over the room service where the products you want to modify are.
  2. Click on “View Info” to go to the Room Service’s detailed information page. 
  3. Click on the catalogue tab.
  4. Look for the product to which you want to add detailed information and click on the edit icon which looks like a pencil writing on a piece of paper. The product information pop up will appear. 
  5. You can modify the following info:


    1. Nombre: This is the name of the product. You probably already introduced it when you created the product. You can modify it clicking on the text box and typing the new text. Remember to click on the flag icon to open up the available languages pop up and modify the text in all available languages.
    2. Price:  Here you can introduce the product’s price (if it has one). Just clike on the box and type the price. introducimos esta caja de texto el precio si aplica en números. Es obligatorio en el Advanced. 
    3. Description: Here you can introduce a brief description of the product (how it is prepared, the ingredients it contains… whatever you want). Remember to click on the flag icon to open up the available languages pop up and modify the text in all available languages.
    4. Tags: These are the tag’s for the app’s search engine. Click on the box and select the corresponding tags from the dropdown menu (if any apply). 
    5. Imagen: If you created the product using a predefined template, it will already have an image. If not, you can upload one from your computer (Horizontal format, JPG or PNG file, no heavier than 300 kbs).


  1.  Now you can also add the advanced information, which is what is specific to the Advanced Room Service catalogue:


    1. Attributes: Attributes are options you can select to add more information to the product. For example, you can select “Sugar Free” or “Milk Free” or “Vegan” so the guest will be able to see that the product has those characteristics when he’s browsing the catalogue. The guest will also be able to filter the products in the catalogue by attributes. For example he will be able to see only products that are “sugar free”.
    2. Widgets: You can add widgets to your product which will allow guests to customize their order for the product. For example, you can let them choose the cooking point of a meat dish or the sauce they want with the pasta, or the ingredients they want on a pizza.
    3. Upsell options: You can also add upsell options to a product, which mean that you can add products to another product so that when a guest chooses the product the other products are offered to him as well. For example, if you add an upsell option of “coffee” to a dessert, when the guest chooses the dessert he will be offered the option to purchase coffee as well. It’s basically a way to offer products to guests taking into account the contextual information you have about the products they are ordering.


  1. When you are done click on “Save Changes”






  1. Hover the cursor of the mouse over the room service from which you want to delete a product..
  2. Click on “View Info” to go to the Room Service’s detailed information page. 
  3. Click on the catalogue tab.
  4. Look for the product you want to delete and click on red “X” icon to the right of it. 
  5. Click on “Yes I want to remove it” in the pop up to confirm that you want to delete the product.


Remember that if you want to delete ALL PRODUCTS in a category, you can delete the category and the products inside it will be deleted as well.