Creating groups in a Content Grouping 

Once the Content Grouping is created, we have to create the different groups in which we want the information to be shown. 


  1. Hover the cursor over the content grouping’s box in which we want to introduce the timetable and click on the “View info” button. 
  2. Select the “Groups” tab. 
  3. Group name: add the first group’s name in all languages available by clicking on the flag icon. 
  4. Group contents: select the services that will appear in that group. We have two options: 
    1. Select just one module, category or service from the list. 
    2. Select more than one by enabling the “Multiple selection” option from the list. 
  5. Tab icon: click on the image frame to select an icon. You can select one from the gallery or upload one from your computer.

In case we have selected the “List with services” view type, we will have to add the tab’s icon. In case we have selected the “Map with spots” view type, we will then have to add the map’s icon. And in case we have selected the two types of view, we will have to add both icons. 

  1. Repeat the action “+ Add Group” every time we need to add new groups. 
  2. Click on the “Save changes” button. 


How to reorganize the order of the groups

We can reorganize the order of the groups, it means the order in which the different groups are shown in the map or in the list, depending on the view type selected. 


  1. Hover the cursor over the Content Grouping’s box where we want to apply changes and click on the “View info” option. 
  2. Select the Groups tab. 
  3. Click on the directional arrows beside each group to change their order. 
  4. Click on the “Save changes” button. 


How to reorganize the order of the services in a multiple selection 

If the “Enable multiple selection” option is selected, we can order the different services created for that group. 


  1. Hover the cursor over the Content Grouping’s box where we want to apply changes and click on the “View info” option. 
  2. Select the Groups tab. 
  3. Click on the hamburger menu between the group content and its icon. 
  4. A pop up will appear showing the order of the services. Use the drag and drop option to change the order. 
  5. Confirm in the pop up. 
  6. Click on the “Save changes” button. 


How to remove a group


  1. Hover the cursor over the Content Grouping’s box where we want to remove a group and click on the “View info” option. 
  2. Select the Groups tab. 
  3. Click on the trash icon. 
  4. Confirm in the pop up. 
  5. Click on the “Save changes” button. 


How to remove or modify any icon from a group


  1. Hover the cursor over the Content Grouping’s box where we want to apply changes and click on the “View info” option. 
  2. Select the Groups tab. 
  3. Click on the image frame to select an icon. You can select one from the gallery or upload one from your computer.
  4. Click on the “Save changes” button.