How to categorize a Shop

What categories are for 

We can categorize the shops under different criteria bearing in mind the needs of our establishment; for example depending on the type (clothes, souvenirs, supermarket) or the building where it is placed in case of big building complexes. 

Categories help us having our shops well organized in the CMS and also allowing us to link a homepage direct access to a specific category, or create groups that link to a specific category in case we create content groupings. 

How to create a category

Route: CONTENT > FACILITIES > SHOPS > “Add Category” button 

  1. Click on “Add category”. 
  2. Introduce the category name in the text box enabled. 
  3. Introduce the category translations by clicking on the flag icon and introducing each text in all available languages. 
  4. Click on the arrow icon next to each text field to save changes. 

We have to repeat these steps to create each category we need. 


How to move shops to a category 


Once we have the categories created, we can then start assigning the shops to them following these steps:

  1. Hover the cursor over the shop ’s box and click on “Move”. 
  2. Select from the list the category in which we want to insert the shop .  

We are able to move a shop  from one category to another as many times as necessary. 

How to remove a category


If we want to remove a category already created: 

  1. Click on the trash icon next to the category name. 
  2. Confirm at the lower right corner of the pop up to remove it. 

Once the category is removed, all the shops belonging to it will have no category in the CMS. 

How to modify a category’s name 


If we want to modify a category’s name: 

  1. Click on the category text box to edit it. 
  2. Introduce the name of the category in the text box enabled. 
  3. Introduce the category translations by clicking on the flag icon and introducing each text in all available languages. 
  4. Click on the arrow icon next to each text field to save changes.