How to send notifications about a promotion

Once a promotion has been activated, and while it is valid (end date equal to or greater than the current date), you can notify your customers about the promotion, including the information you consider most relevant to invite them to take advantage of it.

To do this, access the list of promotions that appears when you enter the Promotions section of the CMS (within CRM). In the Actions column, you will see several icons. Click on the bell icon. 

A new window will open where you can define the information to be included in the notification. You will see three fields:

  • Title: enter a title for the notification.
  • Description: include the information you want to share in the notification.
  • Image: add an image representative of the promotion.

Once you have completed these fields, we advise you to review the information to make sure that everything is correct, and then you can click on Send. The notification will be sent immediately. It will be sent to the user types you have previously defined in the promotion settings (CRM > Promotions > Edit > Configuration). You can send as many notifications about a promotion as you need.