STATS: Transactions

In this section we can check the information about the transactions that have been done by the app and also the revenue, in case the services have a price assigned. 



A global dashboard with the requested services through the app. We can filter this information indicating a specific date range or selecting between the following options: Service Type or STAY Product. 

    • Total: daily transactions dashboard according to the date range and filter selected (service type or product). We can download a CSV with the data.
  • Selected Period Data: numeric transactions table according to the date range and filter selected (service tupe or product). We can download a CSV with the data.

Transactioned Services 

This section displays the data about the services that are configured as bookable through the app. 

We can filter this information indicating a specific date range or selecting either all the modules or one specific service module, as could be restaurants. We can also order the data from highest to lowest and also download a CSV. 

The file contains the services, hotel name and number of transactions depending on the filters applied. 

Transactioned Catalogues

This section displays the data about those services with a catalogue that are configured as bookable through the app. 

We can filter this information indicating a specific date range or selecting either all the modules or one specific service module, as could be amenities. We can also order the data from highest to lowest and also download a CSV. 

The file contains the hotel name, the service which this product is assigned to, the preconfigured product (if the product has been created using this option) and the number of transactions depending on the filters applied. 


Economic results of the bookings through the app. The data displayed only shows the services and products with a price assigned. We can filter this information indicating a specific date range. 

  • Selected Period Data (graphic): graphic with the daily transactions revenue in the date range selected. We can download a CSV with this data. 
  • Selected Period Data (numeric table): numeric table with the daily transactions revenue in the date range selected. We can download a CSV with this data.