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Add Catalogs to Issues, Housekeeping and Amenities


It is important that in these sections we always introduce a product catalog so that guests know what items we offer in these sections.

We have to take into account in the first place that all products must be inside a category (with extra charge, without additional cost ...) to be shown in the APP. So the first thing you’ll need to do is create catalogue categories. You can create as many as you want. 

Once you have your catalogue categories, you can start adding products to each one. 



How to create a catalogue category



  1. Hover the cursor of the mouse over the service whose catalogue we want to delete, and click on “View Info”.  
  2. Click on the “Catalogue” tab. 
  3. Click on the “Add Category” button (transervicerent with round corners)
  4. Type the name of your category (for example: “Massage”). If your hotel has content in more than one language, click on the flag icon to open up the languages pop up.
  5. Type the name of your category in the rest of available languages and click on “Confirm” to close the pop up.
  6. Click on the button with an arrow pointing right to Save your changes and your category will have been created. You can now add products to it. 


How to modify the name of a catalogue category


  1. Hover the cursor of the mouse over the service whose catalogue we want to delete, and click on “View Info”.  
  2. Click on the “Catalogue” tab. 
  3. Click on the name of the category which we want to modify.
  4. Type the new name of your category. If your hotel has content in more than one language, click on the flag icon to open up the languages pop up.
  5. Type the new name of your category in the rest of available languages and click on “Confirm” to close the pop up.
  6. Click on the button with an arrow pointing right to Save your changes and your category will have been modified.


How to delete a catalogue category:


  1. Hover the cursor of the mouse over the service whose catalogue we want to delete, and click on “View Info”.  
  2. Click on the “Catalogue” tab. 
  3. Click on the trash icon to the right of the name of the category you want to delete.
  4. Click on “Yes I want to remove it” in the security pop up and your category will be deleted. 



How to add products inside a catalogue category: 

Once we’ve created our catalogue’s categories, we can add products to them.

To do this we have two options:

  • Adding products using a predefined template
  • Añadir products from scratch

The end result is exactly the same. The only difference is that if we use a predefined template, we will save a little time because the products we create will already have a name and a picture. When we create a product from scratch we will need to introduce all the data for the product. 


Adding products using a predefined template:


  1. Hover the cursor of the mouse over the service whose catalogue we want to delete, and click on “View Info”.  
  2. Click on the “Catalogue” tab. 
  3. Click on “Add Product from predefined catalogue” underneath the category to which we want to add a product. A pop up will open.
  4. Click on the product you want from the gallery. You can also use the search bar to type what you’re looking for and see if there are any results.
  5. Click on “Save” to close the pop up. The selected product will be automatically added to the category. 


Adding products from scratch:


  1. Hover the cursor of the mouse over the service whose catalogue we want to delete, and click on “View Info”.  
  2. Click on the “Catalogue” tab. 
  3. Click on “Add Product” underneath the category to which we want to add a product. A pop up will open.
  4. In the text field type the name of the product. If there’s a predefined template with that name, you will be able to select it by clicking on it (The picture of the product will appear when you click on it). If you don’t want to use a predefined template or there is none you can use, simply click on “Add Product” at the bottom right corner of the pop up. The pop up will be closed and the new product will be added to the category. 


How to introduce product information:

Once we’ve created catalogue products, we can add detailed information to each one. 

To do this:


  1. Hover the cursor of the mouse over the service whose catalogue we want to delete, and click on “View Info”.  
  2. Click on the “Catalogue” tab. 
  3. Click on the Edit icon which looks like a pencil writing on a piece of paper, to the right of the product to which you want to add more information.
  4. The information we can add or edit is:


  1. Name: The name of the product. We already introduced it when we created our product. Remember to click on the flag icon if you want to add the product’s name in all the available languages.
  2. Price: We can add the price of the product here (if needed). Just click on the text field and type the amount. We can even add more than one price if, for example, the product comes in more than one size (for example, a 60 minutes or 30 minutes massage). To add another price, just click on “Add another price”. You can even activate offers for the price (this will display the original price and the offer price to guests).
  3. Size: We can add the product sizes here (if needed). Just click on the text field and type the size.  Remember to click on the flag icon if you want to add the size information in all the available languages.
  4. Description: Here you can introduce a short text describing the product. To do this, just click on the text field and type the description. Ideally it should be no longer than 100 characters. Remember to click on the flag icon if you want to add the description text in all the available languages.
  5. Tags: Add the different tags for this product so the system’s search engine can find it when guests search for things in the app. Just select the ones which correspond to your product.
  6. Image: You can upload an image for the product if you haven’t done so yet. To do this, click on the Image frame, and select an image from your computer. The images should be in horizontal format. The size should be as close as possible to 1920X1080px, JPG or PNG format and should not weigh more than 300 kbs.


  1. When you’re done, click on “Save” to close the pop up and save your changes.


How to delete a product from the catalogue:


  1. Hover the cursor of the mouse over the service whose catalogue we want to delete, and click on “View Info”.  
  2. Click on the “Catalogue” tab. 
  3. Click on the red “X” icon to the right of the product you want to delete. In the security pop up click on “Yes I want to remove it” to confirm you want to delete the product. The product will be deleted.