How to get an Instant Feedback performance report

The performance report offers an overview of how your property surveys are performing, providing data on how users interact with them.

This report can only be obtained by email request to the STAY team (support@stay-app-com). It is not available through the CMS at the moment.

This report will show data related to:

  • Views: total number of times a survey has been displayed on the front page to the user, regardless of whether it has been started or abandoned and regardless of whether the user is anonymous or logged in.
  • Starts: number of times a survey has been started, i.e. the user has clicked on some access point to the questionnaire and accessed the list of questions.
  • Completed: number of times a survey has been completed and sent, i.e. the user reaches the final thank you screen having completed 100% of the survey. This is a value to take into account with the number of surveys started.
  • Abandoned: ​​number of times a survey has not been completed, i.e. the user does not finish the survey, does not submit it and no response is generated. The user can leave the survey at any time. It is a value to be considered with the number of surveys started.
  • Average time to complete: it refers to the average time in seconds that a user takes to complete the survey from the moment he/she starts it to the moment he/she finishes it. This figure is calculated based on the number of surveys completed during the day.
  • Completion rate: This is the percentage of surveys that have been completed compared to those that have been started. It is the value in percentage that indicates the data Completed.
  • Success rate: this is the percentage of success achieved taking into account the total number of surveys viewed on the front page and completed surveys. This data only includes those viewed on the front page, it does not take into account surveys initiated from other sections of the application (inbox, user profile, or service detail). It is thus an estimated trend data.

The report format is Excel (XLSX).