How to manage orders with the PRO booking system

You will soon start receiving the first orders if you have activated the ordering option in the PRO booking system.

For optimal implementation, we recommend you print and attach QR codes to those units where orders are supported. You can find them in the PRO section > Settings > Units.

In this way, the customer will access the service’s product catalog right away and orders will be automatically associated with the unit where he/she is located. Once an order has been placed, the customer will be able to check its status from the app and have it delivered to his/her unit or table.

We will now take a step-by-step look at how the process works from a management perspective. 

When you receive an order, it will appear on the orders screen (you can access it from PRO > Choose a service > Orders).

Orders will be sorted in columns according to their status: 

  • New: orders that have just been placed.
  • In progress: orders that are being prepared.
  • Ready: orders that have already been prepared and are pending delivery.
  • Delivered: orders that have already been delivered.

Orders are linked to the unit from which they were placed and are associated with a time reference indicating how long ago they were placed (for example, the order was placed 10 minutes ago). In this way, the age of each order is visible at a glance, which can help you prioritize. 

Checking orders:

When managing an order, the first step is to check it in detail. You can do this by clicking on it from the Orders screen. The Order details window will open. Here you can see the unit to which the order is assigned and how long ago it was placed. You will also see the list of products ordered by the customer, a column of optional comments, and the quantity of each product. You can update the order status from this same window by selecting an option from the drop-down menu on the right.

Changing status:

You can change the status of an order from the Order details window, by selecting one option in the drop-down menu, as mentioned above. Or, you can do it from the Orders screen by dragging the order to the appropriate column. 

When changing the status of an order to the In progress status, it will be automatically displayed in detail as long as it remains in this status. When changing to the following status, the order window will be minimized again, showing a summary of the order. 

Searching orders:

You can search for orders in progress using the name of the unit from which they were placed. From the Orders screen, enter the name in the search field located in the In progress column. The orders in progress associated with that unit will be displayed.

Order history:

You can also check the list of orders received in a day. To do so, select a date in the calendar, and the orders received on that day will be displayed.