How to use survey statistics

The Instant Feedback feature allows, through the use of surveys, to carry out real-time data analysis that can be key for a property. The Stats section (CMS > Feedback > Statistics) allows you to analyze customer satisfaction at different levels in order to draw conclusions for decision-making and taking action, if necessary. 

The Overview section (CMS > Stats > Overview) provides a summary of the results obtained from all customer surveys conducted in a given date range. 

The date range is customizable. Clicking on the date opens the calendar to select the desired range. If no specific range is selected, the last month is displayed by default. 

Once you have selected the dates, you can check the statistical data, which are displayed in 3 blocks: 

  • Average scores
  • Users
  • Specific services

Let’s see in detail what we will find in each of these blocks: 

Average scores


You will see the 4 survey types available: Welcome, Generic, Facilities & Services, and Checkout. Each shows its average score based on the total of responses received. For example, if the Welcome survey got 250 responses in the last month, the average score displayed will be obtained by dividing the sum of the scores of all responses by 250. 





The first thing you see on this block is the average score given by users (all types, both guests and anonymous users) in all surveys. You could say it’s the average score customers give to the property. 


Four graphs are shown below: 

  • Responses: this graph shows the number of responses obtained by user type. The greenish color represents guests, and the purple color represents anonymous users. The dots on the graph indicate the total of responses received on that date.
  • Average scores: this graph shows the average score of all users and all surveys by date.
  • User types: this chart shows the share of each user type (guests and anonymous users) who responded to the surveys.
  • Channels: this chart shows through which channels (web portal, native app, or embedded app) users respond to surveys.

The Responses and Average scores graphs can show data per month, week, or day (buttons at the top right of the block). By default, they will be displayed per day. 




Specific services


At the bottom of the screen, you will see as many additional blocks as specific services (Facilities & Services) for which you have created a sur. For example, if you have created a survey for the Buffet Restaurant, you will see the Restaurants block along with the specific data for each restaurant with an existing survey. If there were surveys for the Spa service, an additional block for this service would also appear including relevant data. 


Specific services that have surveys can be analyzed separately. This allows for specific data on the customer experience of a particular service or facility.


To view detailed statistical information about a service, click on View more, right below the service’s average score.



You will access the detailed service analysis with the same fields applicable to the overview, i.e. data on average scores and users, and also a ranking of best-valued services together with the total of responses and comments per service. 



Finally, if necessary, we can download a report with the analyzed results from the top right of the screen, next to the date field. A file in spreadsheet format will be downloaded.